- криминалистика
- следовая устойчивость
- баллистическая идентификация
- справочные материалы (СРМ)
- стандарт по пулям
- стандарт по гильзам
- Национальная объединенная баллистическая информационная сеть (НОБИС)
NIST in collaboration with ATF has developed the Standard Reference Material (SRM) 2460 Bullets and 2461 Cartridge Cases. NIST SRM bullets and cartridge cases function as reference standards for establishing metrological traceability for both the topography measurements at NIST and for the image correlations of NIBIN. For the topography measurements, the measurement traceability is established using the SRM bullets and cartridges and the NIST 2D and 3D topography measurement system with two NIST proposed parameters: the cross correlation function maximum CCFmax and the signature difference Ds, both are traceable to the SI unit of length. For the image acquisitions of NIBIN, traceability is supported by correlation of the images of SRM bullets and cartridges captured at local Integrated Ballistics Identification System (IBIS)* sites with respect to the Golden Image established by the reference IBIS of the National Laboratory Center of ATF.
The resulting set of six digitized profile signatures was used as the virtual standard that determined the tool path of a numerically controlled diamond turning machine at NIST to produce the physical standard of the SRM bullets. One of them, numbered SRM 2460-001, was kept at NIST as a check standard for measurement quality assurance, which was performed by routine measurements of the check standard and correlations of the measured profiles with the virtual standard. Another SRM bullet, numbered SRM 2460-002, was sent to the National Laboratory Center of ATF as a reference standard. After the topography measurements at NIST, all the SRM bullets were imaged at the National Laboratory Center of ATF using their reference IBIS under standard operating conditions. A set of the best images was selected as the Golden Image. By acquiring images of the SRM bullets at local IBIS sites, and correlating the images with the Golden Image, differences in IBIS operating conditions between the local IBIS sites and the National Laboratory Center of ATF and other quality problems could be detected.
NIST SRM bullets and cartridges, combined with the use of the NIST proposed control charts and control limits, are powerful tools for quality assurance of NIBIN acquisitions and correlations. During the NBIC project, several quality problems related to the operator and acquisition procedure, the IBIS software and correlation network, as well as the SRM cartridges themselves, were identified and have been successfully corrected.