X Международная конференция по криминалистическому исследованию оружия

X  International Conference on Forensic Weapons Study 

19-20 October 2021



The Saratov State University, Forensic Science Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russian Federation, in assistance «SBC Engineering»  


Conference management  

  • Chairman: A.N. Chumachenko; 

  • Program Committee Chair: S.B. Venig; 

  • Chairman of the organizing committee: V.A. Fedorenko; 

  • Scientific Secretary: A.M. Zakharevich; 

  • Secretary of the Program Committee: M.V.Kornilov; 

  • Secretary of the Organizing Committee: K.O. Sorokina.


Org. Commitete 

A.V. Stalmakhov, 
P.V. Giverts, 
Yu.V. Iliasov, 
S.V. Artyomova, 
A.N. Bardachenko, 
S.M. Kolotushkin, 
D.S. Korovkin, 
A.V. Kokin, 
I.V. Latyshov, 
A.C. Lihachyov,  
R.Yu. Trubicyn.



The conference will present reports on actual problems of forensic examination of firearms, ammunition and marks and impressions left on fired bullets and cartridge cases. 

Conference Topics 

  1. Forensic investigation of firearms and traces of their use; 

  1. Firearms Identification; 

  1. Forensic investigation of shot and explosion products.


Preliminary Program 

  • October 19 th, 2021 - registration of the participants, opening session, plenary session and workshops 

  • October 20 th, 2021 – plenary session, current sessions, closing of the conference


Main dates / Registration 


  • July 1st, 2021 - Participant's questionnaire (via e-mail: fed77@yandex.ru ). 

  • September 10 th, 2021 – provision of abstract (via e-mail: fed77@yandex.ru ). 

Participant's questionnaire  

  1. Full name of the participant; 

  1. Academic degree, rank; 

  1. Position; 

  1. Place of work; 

  1. Country, city; 

  1. Contact telephone number, e-mail; 

  1. Postal address; 

  1. Topic of the report.


Requirements for the abstracts 

Abstracts of the report no more than 1 page of typewritten text are accepted in electronic form. 

The text should be typed in Times New Roman font, size 14, line spacing - 1. 

Page parameters: left margin 2.5 cm, right, bottom, top margin - 2.0 cm. 

The sequence of the presentation of the material: title of the abstracts of the report; the initials and surnames of the authors; text of the abstracts of the report; bibliographic list. In the bibliographic list, the numbering of sources should correspond to the order of references to them in the text. 

An electronic version of the abstract in WORD format is sent by e-mail to the address: fed77@yandex.ru  


Official language of the conference   

  • Russian 

  • English 

There is an opportunity to participate in the conference online for nonresident and foreign conference participants. 


Сontact  information 

Russia, 410012, Saratov, 83, Astrakhanskaya st., Saratov State University, Institute of Physics, Laboratory of Forensic Material Study 

Coordinator of the Conference Steering Committee 
Fedorenko Vladimir A. 
E-mail:   fed77@yandex.ru    
Tel.: (8452) 260-241,  
Web-site: http://www.firearm-expert.sgu.ru